Nutritional Anti Aging
This proprietary formula protects DNA and cells, nourishes and protects the brain, bolsters the immune system, supports cardiovascular health, helps regulate blood sugar metabolism, protects eye health, helps build strong bones, promotes joint function and mobility, helps protect against the effects of sun radiation, and helps maintain healthy skin tone and elasticity.
Lifepak Nano Is The World's First Nanotechnology Wellness Program That Delivers The Crucial Nutrients Your Body Needs To Be Healthy At A Scale Never Before Possible"
Using Lifepak Nano the cells of your body can be scientifically guaranteed to have the optimal amount of nutritional protection they need to greatly reduce your risk factors of major diseases while drastically increasing the quality of how you look, feel, and live your life..
The mixture of the different vitamins, nutrients, and minerals in Lifepak Nano have been developed under the careful guidance of over 136 Ph.D level scientists, world renowned research institutes, and state of the art laboratories. This development represents one of the biggest breakthroughs in preventative medicine technology.
It’s called LifePak Nano.
LifePak Nano utilizes the science of nano technology, to protect your cells in a way that has never before been possible. But in order to understand exactly how this formulae works you need to review over 30,000 scientific studies that have been performed over the past 20 years. These findings have taught us about where disease comes from, and what you can do to protect your cells from the terrible damage inflicted upon them on a daily basis.
Virtually every disease we suffer from today is related to a process called free radical damage and oxidative stress. Free radicals are toxic molecules that come from an untold number of sources in our modern environment.
Sources such as air pollution, chemical residue from cleaners, pesticides, sun exposure, electromagnetic waves, and so many more are the attacking agents that are interacting with your cells on a daily basis.
Free radical damage can account for almost every major disease most people suffer from in their lifetime. That’s bad news because you receive over 60 trillion free radical attacks on the cells in your body each day! Quadrillion free radicals are produced from only one cigarette.
When a free radical interacts with your cells several very bad things happen. Either the free radical damages your cell causing it to die which drastically impairs your cellular functions, or even worse, the free radical damages your DNA causing DNA mutations.
When these damaged cells multiply, they may lead to cancer, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, strokes, heart failure, and so many other diseases. Scientists even believe that free radical damage IS THE AGING PROCESS because aging is nothing more then your cells dying from the repeated attack by free-radicals!
Luckily for us there have been over 30,000 studies in the past 20 years alone on this exact subject. And the findings of those studies have shown us that our mother's were right all along. There is a solution that has been ancient knowledge for a long time, yet knowledgeable people today are just starting to take advantage of. And that solution is called ANTIOXIDANTS.
You probably have heard about antioxidants recently because of the major press and coverage they are getting all over the world. Well, here is why the buzz on antioxidants is just getting started, and why we haven’t even heard the half of it yet.
Antioxidants are molecules that you only get from your fruits and vegetables. Scientists have discovered over the past 40 years, that they possess a unique ability to NEUTRALIZE FREE RADICAL REACTIONS, BEFORE THEY CAN DAMAGE YOUR DNA AND DESTROY YOUR CELLS. They are your body's first line of defense against the microscopic toxic molecules causing an enormous amount of damage to your cells every day.
How do they neutralize the free radical reaction? It’s completely simple. A free radical is an unstable molecule that is missing an electron. All molecules are seeking to stabilize themselves. So a free radical is seeking to “scavenge” an electron from any source it can find. When this is happening inside your body, that source is YOUR CELLS, and YOUR DNA.
Antioxidants naturally contain an extra electron, yet are completely stable! The antioxidant acts as a guard for your cells, giving the free radical the extra electron before it “steals it” from you.
Antioxidants are so powerful in preventing disease and leading to a long healthy happy life, that Dr. Richard Cutler the former director of the National Institute of Health made the amazing statement “The amount of antioxidants that you maintain in your body, is directly proportional to how long you will live.”
LifePak Nano gives your body an advantage in fighting the ravishing effects of free radical damage in a way that has never before been possible.
Utilizing the revolutionary new science of nano technology, we have shrunken the antioxidant nutrients to a size that is 1/80,000 the diameter of your hair!
Why is that one of the biggest breakthroughs in preventative medicine technology our world has ever seen? This nano technology process delivers critical nutritional cell protection at a scale that has never before been possible.
Fat soluble and difficult to absorb nutrients are now broken down to a scale where your small intestines can literally absorb them like a sponge. Clinical studies utilizing nano technology have shown a 5x increase in absorption rates of these crucial nutrients, more so then any other nutritional product on the market.
Normally nutrients from your diet and supplements are passed through your system before ever being utilized by your cells. The difficult to absorb nutrients, as well as poorly manufactured supplements and vitamins have been proven to pass through the intestines before ever being absorbed. You are literally WASTING away everything you pay money for.
The average person is frankly NOT getting the nutritional protection they need from their supplements or diets to defend their cells from free radical damage and that is apparent with the explosive increases of disease.
This patented nano scale nutrient delivery system has revolutionized the way nutrients are delivered to your cells and this level of bio-availability is only possible using nano-technology.
Your body REAPS the benefits of far greater cellular absorption of the key antioxidant nutrients that your cells need to protect themselves from poor health, sickness, and disease!
Not a single person has ever been able to take advantage of this HISTORIC Nano-technology breakthrough until recently!
Because of the countless millions of dollars we have invested in research and development, because of our hundreds of scientists, and three state of the art laboratories we own and operate around the world, because of our collaboration with world leaders such as Dr. Lester Packer, who is considered the “God Father” of antioxidant research; we have been able to bring this product to the public and specifically to YOU, to help you live the quality of life you deserve.
Do you want to know why we went through such an excruciating scientific process to bring you this product? Check out this massive list of what LifePak Nano will do for your health, and all your questions will be answered.
LifePak Nano uses nano-technology to deliver over 60+ antioxidant nutrients deep into your cellular tissue to give you the protection you need.
LifePak Nano protects your DNA with drastically increased absorption and bio-availability.
LifePak Nano protects your cells from the ravaging effects of premature aging caused by free radical damage.
LifePak Nano provides your body with the most well rounded, and comprehensive nutrient package available today by using specific nutrients to target each of these critically important areas of your health:
Cardiovascular Health
Brain Health
Antioxidant Defense
DNA Protection
Immune System Support
Bone Health
LifePak Nano gives you an essential Marine Omega 3 fatty acid formula, derived from the potent source of Krill oil. These nutrients are so important scientists have called them the “essential acids of life”. Our bodies evolved on a diet with a much higher intake of Omega 3 fatty acids, but as our modern diets have changed significantly the ratio of omega 3’s we get today is massively deficient.
These scientists have concluded that a prolonged deficiency of Omega 3’s will inevitably lead to disease. With LifePak Nano, You will never take the chance of having Omega 3 deficiencies.
LifePak Nano provides you with the worlds only nano CoQ10, the enzyme responsible for heart functioning! At the age of 40 your body drastically decreases production of this crucial enzyme, making your heart extremely vulnerable to heart failure.
Studies have shown that people who supplement with CoQ10 have significantly lower risk of heart failure then people who don’t! This is also being researched as one of the most powerful anti-cancer antioxidants today.
LifePak Nano provides you with lycopene, which studies have shown is the most powerful antioxidant in preventing Prostate and Colon cancer.
LifePak Nano also includes:
Polyphenols - the active antioxidant in red wine to protect your heart.
Catechins - the active antioxidant in green tea to prevent disease and slow aging.
Alpha lipoic acid - the active ingredient in spinach, which the main function is to increase the production of Glutathione that helps dissolve toxic substances in the liver.
Bio-flavanoids - which have a wide range of uses from preventing and treating cataracts, relieving pain, help maintain thin walls of capillaries, lowering blood cholesterol, having an anti-bacterial effect, and promoting blood circulation.
Beta Carotene - to protect and improve your eyesight and vision.
All of this in addition to over 60+ other antioxidants each pertaining to a different health function in your body!
LifePak Nano gives you the highest quality of nutrients available! Most supplements use a process called industrial vitamin production, which results in a very poor quality of nutrients. Lifepak Nano undergoes an extensive scientific process called the pharmanex 6S quality control process where intense selection, sourcing, and substantiation are rigorous requirements before even one batch of nutrients is selected for use.
LifePak Nano also gives you all the essential minerals, vitamins, and phyto-nutrients you need to be totally nutritionally balanced.
Your energy, health, and well being will reach paramount levels not even achieved in your youth using this break through nano technology.
You will no longer have to worry about whether your cells have the protection they need.
There have been over 800,000 published studies on the ingredients in LifePak Nano alone, so you KNOW you can have the most scientifically supported wellness program on the market.
LifePak Nano is the only wellness program in the world to have undergone double blind, placebo controlled, cross over, randomized clinical studies before it hit the market so you can have complete confidence in each capsule you put in your body!
Lifepak Nano is the only supplement in the world that has been certified by ALL three major third party supplement testing facilities. Consumer Labs, National Safety Foundation, and the Banned Substance Control Group.
With Lifepak Nano you don't need to spend a cent on any other vitamins, supplements, or nutritional products, and you can throw away all the one's you currently take because EVERYTHING your body will ever need comes in this total wellness package.
There is not a single product on the market that can compare to the nano technology process used to deliver these critical nutrients into your cells. Why would anyone lower their standards when it comes to preventing major diseases that cause enormous suffering knowing the power Lifepak Nano has to give you the healthy vibrant lifestyle you want to live?
With LifePak Nano you are on the forefront of a cutting edge disease prevention and wellness technology.
LifePak Nano has over $327 dollars of nutrients contained in every box, yet you can have this revolutionary nano-technology program for what it would cost for a cup of starbucks coffee a day.
You can have this breakthrough program rushed to you immediately. If for any reason you aren’t satisfied, you have 60 days to get a full refund! There is no risk what so ever!
You Are What You Eat
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition recently reported that one fast-food egg sandwich and hash brown breakfast causes an increase in free radical generation in the blood as soon as 1 hour after meal. In the same study, researchers found a fruit and fiber breakfast with the same number of calories does not promote the same free radical effect.
These findings strongly support adopting a healthy, low-fat diet high in fruits and fiber to help maintain good health.
Large Study Shows Weight-loss Benefits of Supplementation
September 14, 2004 - Researchers from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center told a meeting of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians in Seattle last weekend that people, aged 55 on average, who supplemented with chromium, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and multivitamins were less likely to gain weight than their counterparts. This large study covered over a 10-year period and looked at details about diet, physical activity and medical history, from about 15,000 people. Use of chromium, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and multivitamins appeared to reduce weight gain in a significant number of study participants.
Study finds Antioxidants Increase Heart Health
A study published yesterday in the rapid access issue of The Journal of the American Heart Association investigated which antioxidants in fruits, vegetables, and dietary antioxidant supplements might have a positive effect on heart health.
Study Finds Vitamin D Increases Prostate Health
February 22, 2005 - New research presented at the 2005 Multidisciplinary Prostate Symposium in the U.S. shows a link between vitamin D and prostate health. Researchers suggest men with higher levels of vitamin D may have better prostate protection. Studies researching the protective capabilities of vitamin D are increasing as more findings confirm the benefits of vitamin D.
Industry Study Boosts Health and Cost-Saving Case for Supplements
November 8, 2005 - Use of two types of dietary supplements could save $5.6 billion in health-care costs for seniors in the U.S. alone, according to a study released last week. This major study looked into the economics of older Americans taking omega-3 and lutein with zeaxanthin supplements, and showed that
Biophotonic Scanner Results
Let’s talk about what the results mean
The scanning of your skin as a measure of your body’s overall antioxidant level, or your body’s defense against damaging free radicals is more accurate than blood levels. Because it is in the skin, it reflects a period of time of approximately 4-6 weeks, which is required for antioxidants to reach the cells of your skin. Dr Richard Cutler, Director of Anti-Aging Research at the National Institute of Health (NIH) believes that the amount of key anti-oxidants that many species maintain in their bodies is directly proportional to their lifespan.
The levels that are easily obtained using the scanner accurately reflect an individual’s anti-oxidant network level, and their defense score. The key molecules that are measured are the carotenoids. Your overall anti-oxidant status is associated with serum levels of carotenoids. Carotenoid molecules in your body are not regenerated like other antioxidants, and are broken down in the process of neutralizing damaging free-radicals or reactive oxygen species. Beta-carotene and lycopene are carotenoid molecules, and are able to sustain repeated, often exceeding twenty free- radical attacks by lipid radicals before they are completely destroyed. There are over 100 other antioxidants, including the carotenoids that make up this team, called the antioxidant network, that are constantly fighting off damaging attacks by free radicals on your cells. Carotenoids are often the front line defenders against these attacks, and act sacrificially to protect other team players in the antioxidant network, such as Vitamin C and E. This is why carotenoids are so critical in this network, because without adequate levels of carotenoids, the entire antioxidant network could collapse resulting in dangerous oxidative stress and increased free radical induced damage to your cells.
The level between 10,000 to 19,000 is considered poor. Unfortunately about half of the population of the United States scores in this range. There are a number of reasons why you are in this group. First, you may not eat enough fruits and vegetables. Patients in this group often do not eat properly, don’t take vitamins, or their nutritional supplementation is not working. This means that supplements you maybe taking, are in fact not being absorbed by your body, or even that the labeling maybe inaccurate. Patients may also be overweight, smoke, have poor lifestyle habits, or travel too much in airplanes. Yes airplanes, as the exposure to damaging ultraviolet rays during air travel bombarded your system, and place a tremendous amount of stress on your antioxidant network. Why do you think you often get sick on airplanes? It has a lot to do with the tremendous stress, oxidative stress that damages your defenses and results in a staggering depletion of your antioxidants.
Supplements such as g3 and Lifepak nano are rich sources of antioxidants. The nutrient rich juice, g3 is derived from the gac fruit of Southern Asia. It is known as the “Super Fruit”. Through its antioxidant benefits, g3 helps to protect and rejuvenate cells. Among gac fruits potent phytonutrients are a unique and highly bioavailable form of carotenoids called lipocarotenes that provide amazingly powerful antioxidant protection. The fruit juices from Chinese lyceum, Siberian pineapple, and Cili further enhance the gac fruits restorative benefits. The g3 juice has a refreshing flavor that is deliciously sweet, slightly tart, and can be enjoyed daily by everyone in the family.
Lifepak Nano is a nutritional anti-aging program formulated to nourish and protect cells, tissues, and organs in the body with the specific purpose to guard against the ravages of aging. Lifepak Nano offers the highest bioavailability with a first ever nanotechnology process, and advanced levels of key anti-aging nutrients in a comprehensive formula available exclusively through Pharmanex.
Your level is between 20,000 and 29,000, and suggests that your Pharmanex Body Defense Score is weak. In this category, it suggests that you typically eat a couple of daily servings of fruits and vegetables, or may be taking supplements. These supplements unfortunately aren’t working very well or are inadequate to provide your system with the antioxidants it requires. Patients in this group also have average lifestyle habits. Patients may also do a lot of air traveling, and this could dramatically reduce antioxidants. Yes airplanes, as the exposure to damaging ultraviolet rays during air travel bombard your system; they will place a tremendous amount of stress on your antioxidant network. Why do you think you often get sick on, or after flying on airplanes. It has a lot to do with the tremendous stress, oxidative stress that damages your defenses and results in a staggering depletion of your antioxidants. Supplements such as g3 and Lifepak nano are rich sources of antioxidants. The nutrient rich juice, g3 is derived from the gac fruit of Southern Asia. It is known as the “Super Fruit”. Through its antioxidant benefits, g3 helps to protect and rejuvenate cells. Among gac fruits potent phytonutrients are a unique and highly bioavailable form of carotenoids called lipocarotenes that provide amazingly powerful antioxidant protection. The fruit juices from Chinese lyceum, Siberian pineapple, and Cili further enhance the gac fruits restorative benefits. The g3 juice has a refreshing flavor that is deliciously sweet, slightly tart, and can be enjoyed daily by everyone in the family.
Lifepak Nano is a nutritional anti-aging program formulated to nourish and protect cells, tissues, and organs in the body with the specific purpose to guard against the ravages of aging. Lifepak Nano offers the highest bioavailability with a first ever nanotechnology process, and advanced levels of key anti-aging nutrients in a comprehensive formula available exclusively through Pharmanex
Your level is between 30,000 and 39,000, and is considered moderate. Healthy diets start here. Typically, patients in this group are eating 3 to 5 servings of fruits and/or vegetables per day, and may be supplementing with a good or moderately effective supplement program. Though this level is good, it may not provide the protection required for long-term disease prevention. Supplements such as g3 and Lifepak nano are rich sources of antioxidants. The nutrient rich juice, g3 is derived from the gac fruit of Southern Asia. It is known as the “Super Fruit”. Through its antioxidant benefits, g3 helps to protect and rejuvenate cells. Among gac fruits potent phytonutrients are a unique and highly bioavailable form of carotenoids called lipocarotenes that provide amazingly powerful antioxidant protection. The gac fruits restorative benefits are further enhanced by the fruit juices from Chinese lyceum, Siberian pineapple, and Cili. The g3 juice has a refreshing flavor that is deliciously sweet, slightly tart, and can be enjoyed daily by everyone in the family.
Lifepak Nano is a nutritional anti-aging program formulated to nourish and protect cells, tissues, and organs in the body with the specific purpose to guard against the ravages of aging. Lifepak Nano offers the highest bioavailability with a first ever nanotechnology process, and advanced levels of key anti-aging nutrients in a comprehensive formula available exclusively through Pharmanex
Your level is between 40,000 and 49,000, and is considered good. Patients at this level have a healthy diet and a healthier overall lifestyle. Using Lifepak Nano, G3, or Marine Omega supplementation, most patients can maintain this level or advance to a higher Pharmanex Body Defense Score. Supplements such as g3 and Lifepak nano are rich sources of antioxidants. The nutrient rich juice, g3 is derived from the gac fruit of Southern Asia. It is known as the “Super Fruit”. Through its antioxidant benefits, g3 helps to protect and rejuvenate cells. Among gac fruits potent phytonutrients are a unique and highly bioavailable form of carotenoids called lipocarotenes that provide amazingly powerful antioxidant protection. The fruit juices from Chinese lyceum, Siberian pineapple, and Cili further enhance the gac fruits restorative benefits. The g3 juice has a refreshing flavor that is deliciously sweet, slightly tart, and can be enjoyed daily by everyone in the family.
Lifepak Nano is a nutritional anti-aging program formulated to nourish and protect cells, tissues, and organs in the body with the specific purpose to guard against the ravages of aging. Lifepak Nano offers the highest bioavailability with a first ever nanotechnology process, and advanced levels of key anti-aging nutrients in a comprehensive formula available exclusively through Pharmanex.
Your level is between 50,000 and 100,000, and is considered optimal. This score is incredible, and reflects a level of antioxidant protection in your body that only a very few percentage of patients will ever attain. Everyone is advised to strive for this level or higher, but it is very difficult, but very rewarding to know that your body’s defense is at their best. A program of healthy diet, healthy lifestyle, and LifePak/Marine Omega, and especially Lifepak Nano and G3 supplementation can allow one to reach this level of optimal protection and prevention.
Victory Church International
Chuck Missler
About Koinonia House
I presenting this video and information about Dr. Chuck Missler because I believe that he has one of the best ministries out there that teach the word of God. But we all must go the the word of God ourselves and seek diligently for ourselves just what is God saying to us. And above all else pray that you will not be deceived by any one.
Their Mission Statement
To create, develop, and distribute materials to stimulate, encourage, and facilitate serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God.
Statement of Faith
The Bible is the very Word of God, is inerrant in its original autographs, and is fully and totally and uniquely reliable as the primary guide to all actions and commitments;
That Jesus Christ is God Incarnate, became man to fulfill a destiny on our behalf, was crucified, buried, and bodily resurrected, is presently seated on His Father’s Throne, and will soon return to establish His Kingdom on the Planet Earth.
That, in the meantime, the Holy Spirit is uniquely active in pursuing His mission in calling, equipping, and empowering believers, and is essential for any and all of the pursuits to be fruitful and effective.
…is a New Testament word which is most often translated to mean “communication”, “fellowship”, or “communion”. Koinonia House, or K-House as we are affectionately called, is dedicated to the development and distribution of materials for encouraging and facilitating serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. We are a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization.
K-House was founded by Chuck and Nancy Missler. Chuck, a Naval academy graduate and former Branch Chief of the Dept. of Guided Missiles, had a remarkable 30-year executive career. He served on the Board of Directors of 12 public companies and was CEO of 6 of them. For twenty years Chuck balanced his high-profile corporate career with his teaching commitment to a weekly Bible study at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa in Southern California. Nancy, while raising their four children, has touched the lives of thousands through her in-depth teaching of Biblical discoveries in her “Way of Agape” and “Be Ye Transformed” books and tape series.
After a devastating earthquake in 1992 demolished their home in Big Bear, California, Chuck and Nan moved Koinonia House to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho and K-House now reaches tens of thousands through its monthly newsletter, radio shows, podcast, Bible study materials, and conferences. More than eight million Bible study resources have been distributed in the U.S. and in over 35 countries around the world. Thanks for visiting us. Please join us in this Grand Adventure, and let’s see what the Lord will do!
See their beginners guide to K-House: First Time Here? →
Learn more about the Misslers. →
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