
Seek God, and not evil, that ye may live, and so the Lord the God of host shall be with you as ye have spoken. Amos5:14 Abide in me, and I in you As the bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine, no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that aibideth in me, and I in him , the same bringeth forth much fruit: for with out me ye can do nothing. John 15:4-5 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death. Rev 12:11 None of you out there have any thing to boast of except for those who have the indwelling of the King we call Saviour Christ Jesus. Unless you have asked Him into your hearts this day. This Blog is a running commentary testimony of Synde Arason. The Lord laid it on my heart some time in 2012 to publish my testimony, and today I I do and I implore you to do the same thing so that we together can over come the world with our testimony those who have no testimony with the blood of the Lamb. Only you know by your own testimony what the Lord has done for you.


Review of Nu Skin and Pharmanex

This company has done the world a serves when it comes to helping people become healthy. I can not tell you how impressed I was about Pharmanex, and NuSkin. after investigating the companies I decided to become a distributor. Why Nu Skin, for me it is about the premier anti-ageing, direct selling company, and how they are setting the standard in the industry.

Market Trends say that Nu Skin is Positioning my business in front of worldwide ageing trends making it as big and successful as I can make it. Timing could not of been any better when I imagined a new business venture for myself. Imagine me having access to products like Nu Skin's revolutionary anti-ageing discovery – ageLOC amazing simply amazing.

The Company who has eared the prestigious Dunn & Bradstreet 5A-1 rating. What more could you ask for? Excellent! And there products brands offer a wide variety of opportunity for anyone who is looking to help others make improvements on there over well being. The business management and compensation is exemplary, paying the highest commission to people like me and you. By positioning my Nu Skin business in front of worldwide ageing trends I can easily see how amazing the business can successfully set new standards in the entire industry.

I know people want to control how they age, I really can not think of a woman that would turn down anti ageing products that actually work. Exactly as they claim. People want to control how they live, the prospect of longer life spans is not only raising concerns about the quality of life, but also increased anxiety about financial resources – all of which Direct Selling can open opportunities that other wise would not be available to many of us.

Health and Beauty industry represents over $500 Billion world wide, this ought to tell you something about where people spend their money. The ageing population means that there is a growing market of people desiring anti-ageing products and are able to pay the premium prices they command. Global cosmetics and toiletries market is currently worth $333 billion us. Global nutritional products category was estimated a $240 billion us . Ageing is the dominant demographic trend across North America, Europe and much of Asia. Society is ageing on a global scale, influenced by increased life expectancies, declining birth rates and better standards of healthcare. By 2012 approximately 26% (80.6 million) of the us population will be aged 55 and over, up from 24% in 2007.

I can just imagine the possibilities of having access to products like the Galvanic Spa and Nu Skin's revolutionary new anti-ageing discovery, ageLOC. Imagine how huge the market for these products can be. And now, can you imagine the opportunity this represents for all of us. The convergence of trends, combined with our unique and proprietary business opportunity and the discovery of ageLOC presents a anew and unparalleled financial opportunity. People want to LIVE YOUNG and ageLOC science targets the ULTIMATE SOURCES of ageing and 25 years of experience in developing ground-breaking products Our global distribution capability and sales compensation plan.

Their difference is demonstrated through their products. As an anti-ageing leader, our innovative products offer exclusive benefits that can be demonstrated. Their brands offer a wide variety of opportunities that improve lives around the world.

At Nu Skin, our approach to anti-ageing is more than skin deep. We understand that looking and feeling your best at every age is impacted by more than just great skin care products. It means wellness and health management—critical internal factors that impact not just the way you feel but the way you look as you age. From the inside out and from the outside in, Nu Skin’s products offer vitality, beauty, and longevity.

A commitment to innovation has guided Nu Skin in the development of cutting edge products to position itself as a leader in anti-ageing. Today, we are taking another step forward and using the latest scientific innovations to better understand the basic roots of ageing.
In addition to treating the signs and symptoms, we now understand ultimate causes or sources of ageing—our genes.

With this new approach we are better able to deliver truly remarkable and exclusive products.
“We are really saying let’s go to the root cause of ageing and see what we can do to either reduce that cause of ageing or somehow stop it from doing further damage to the skin or to the rest of our internal organs. That is what ageLOC is all about. In addition to the signs and symptoms of ageing, ageLOC is able to take care of multiple sources of ageing on the skin and in the body as well.”

-Dr. Joe Chang, Chief Scientific Officer

Since 1984, Nu Skin has demonstrated a distinctively different approach to business. We began with an innovative concept of premium quality products and a uniquely compelling global business opportunity. This exceptional business model has shaped our company into a more than one billion dollar enterprise that still remains true to its core values.

Here are just a few reasons to consider Nu Skin:
Their original premise: The Secret of Youth
Their promise: Continuous Scientific Innovation
$1.54 Billion Annual Sales
27 Year Track Record
Operating in 51 Markets
Dun & Bradstreet 5A-1 Rating
Over $600 Million in Assets
Publicly Traded (NUS) on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
Paid its Distributors $646 MILLION DOLLARS in 2010
Nu Skin has a new person that has earned over one million in commissions every 5 days
Nu Skin’s sales compensation plan makes all of this possible. It’s an innovative and generous plan rewarding you for hard work, commitment and leadership. Last year Nu Skin paid nearly half a billion dollars in commission to people like you. That’s income that changed lives, income that can change your life too.

Nu Skin pays the highest commissions, as a percentage of revenue, of any direct sales company traded on the NYSE. Nu Skin has a new person who has earned over one million in commissions every 10 days. That’s 724 and counting.

Well, from where I stand today I can not tell you how impressed I was about this Nuskin subsidiary company. But, if you were like me when you first heard about the company and its bio-photonic scanner exotic juice you probably thought what a scam! I did when I got scanned at my sisters house just a few days ago. First its financial health is unmatched in the industry Proven History Billion dollar financial powerhouse Publicly traded on the NTSE; NUS Over 70 PhD researchers that have reviewed and certified that this technology is real!

More importantly is it's dedication to create a nutritional supplement that is scientifically proven to be effective safe and affordable It is the only nutritional supplement company in the world that can TRULY answer the single most important question in the world about your health...How do you know if you are getting the proper nutrients from your diet and supplement intake?

You can contact me through my email syndearason@gmail.com
if you are interested in a five minute face lift demonstration.

Victory Church International

If you are looking for a good Church home I recommend you check Victory Church International website and then look for a Victory Church in your neighborhood. and if you can not find one close to you call up Victory Church International and ask them to consider planting a new church in your area.

Chuck Missler

About Koinonia House

I presenting this video and information about Dr. Chuck Missler because I believe that he has one of the best ministries out there that teach the word of God. But we all must go the the word of God ourselves and seek diligently for ourselves just what is God saying to us. And above all else pray that you will not be deceived by any one.

Their Mission Statement

To create, develop, and distribute materials to stimulate, encourage, and facilitate serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God.

Statement of Faith

The Bible is the very Word of God, is inerrant in its original autographs, and is fully and totally and uniquely reliable as the primary guide to all actions and commitments;

That Jesus Christ is God Incarnate, became man to fulfill a destiny on our behalf, was crucified, buried, and bodily resurrected, is presently seated on His Father’s Throne, and will soon return to establish His Kingdom on the Planet Earth.

That, in the meantime, the Holy Spirit is uniquely active in pursuing His mission in calling, equipping, and empowering believers, and is essential for any and all of the pursuits to be fruitful and effective.


…is a New Testament word which is most often translated to mean “communication”, “fellowship”, or “communion”. Koinonia House, or K-House as we are affectionately called, is dedicated to the development and distribution of materials for encouraging and facilitating serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. We are a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization.

K-House was founded by Chuck and Nancy Missler. Chuck, a Naval academy graduate and former Branch Chief of the Dept. of Guided Missiles, had a remarkable 30-year executive career. He served on the Board of Directors of 12 public companies and was CEO of 6 of them. For twenty years Chuck balanced his high-profile corporate career with his teaching commitment to a weekly Bible study at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa in Southern California. Nancy, while raising their four children, has touched the lives of thousands through her in-depth teaching of Biblical discoveries in her “Way of Agape” and “Be Ye Transformed” books and tape series.

After a devastating earthquake in 1992 demolished their home in Big Bear, California, Chuck and Nan moved Koinonia House to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho and K-House now reaches tens of thousands through its monthly newsletter, radio shows, podcast, Bible study materials, and conferences. More than eight million Bible study resources have been distributed in the U.S. and in over 35 countries around the world. Thanks for visiting us. Please join us in this Grand Adventure, and let’s see what the Lord will do!

See their beginners guide to K-House: First Time Here? →

Learn more about the Misslers. →

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Tom Horn on Prophecy In The News

Published on May 13, 2013 Prophecy In The News Broadcast with J.R. Church (before he graduated) and Gary Stearman. Tom Horn does an excellent job explaining the Alien situation in a nutshell. I consider this episode "a classic," as most everything discussed is now coming into the open. Hang on folks ... this is going to be "a wild ride" !! Link: http://www.prophecyinthenews.com/ Link: http://raidersnewsupdate.com/
Order Tom Horn's latest book from the "Prophecy In The News" Book Store "Petrus Romanus, Project Lucifer, and the Vatican's Astonishing Plan for the Arrival of an Alien Savior"
by Cris Putnam & Thomas Horn
Pope Benedict XVI has resigned as Pope, just like the authors predicted he would do in their 2012 best-seller, Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope is Here. Since then, Tom Horn and Cris Putnam have been inundated with invitations from around the world to be interviewed on radio, television, and in print media. During a show on Omega Man Radio, the author's disclosed an "extraterrestrial" connecton between Petrus Romanus, the Vatican, and the Mount Graham Observatory, which rocketed that program into the #1 position in the world, illustrating to the authors that modern civilization is more than casually interested not only in the final pope, but in the connection between Rome and their secret work on extraterrestrial intelligence, astrobiology, and the intriguing preparations they are making for the arrival of an alien "savior." A new investigation began and quickly resulted in findings far more distrurbing than the authors expected to find! Here's just a few of the amazing things you will discover in this soon to be best seller.
The Vatican's secret plan for the arrival of an alien God
Secret files in the Vatican library detailing the reality of an alien presence
The private document detailing the Vatican's position on extraterrestrials
Project LUCIFER and the hidden quest for "Fallen Star"
2013! The year top astronomers say the alien world and its inhabitants will be indulged
The Collins Elite, Occultism, and the covert breeding and hybridization program
The incredible family secret that Tom Horn has kept concealed for decades!
What top government and Vatican officials told the authors about the reality of UFOs
The Vatican's top astronomer agrees to an interview with Horn & Putnam
Well known UFO experts like Nick Pope, Bruce Maccabee, Stanton Freidman, Jesse Marcel Jr., and others share their opinions.
Back to Cydonia! The truth behind the face on Mars and artificial structures on other worlds
Product ID# B3311 http://www.prophecyinthenews.com/
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